General to Extra

I’ve now had a few days to play with my equipment and am finally starting to get the hang of PSK31 and the equipment itself. I finally managed to get my macros set up the way I want. And I’m able to get the antenna in and out of the house without hurting myself or…

Tech to General…

I’ve been playing a little on 2m and 70cm bands since I’ve had my Technician license and been issued my calls. It’s been pretty fun, but I’d like to play a little more. I’ve now ordered on my HF radio equipment and looking forward to playing with it, but I have one problem. I can’t…

Radio Equipment…

I’ve been pretty slow about adding my content. I was on vacation when I first passed my technical license and started my pages here. I really thought I would have more time to add my processes as I went through them. But, as always seems to happen, time got away from me. Between actually having…